fredag 9 maj 2014

Under: The first Expedition, part 3

I do apologize for any faults in the following text. To many numbers! They are not totaly set in stone and can still change in the future.

A mix of my own crazy ideas, a portion of Arduin and "Svärd och svartkonst".

Instead of rolling 3d6 and adding some racial modifier after meeting som prerequisite score and such; In Aenglum you choose a race and class; each of your choices show you how to roll one of the three parts of your initial characteristic score. Ok, this is the general idea anyways.

”1d4 + race + class”

Chart of stats

The Races of Aenglum

Race: Human; Northman
"the vikings of the north"
Str: 4+1d4 (6), Dex: 2+1d4 (4) Con: 4+1d4 (6), Wis: 1+1d4 (3), Int: 1d4 (2), Chr: 1+1d4 (3)

Race: Human; Midlander
"the common man in between the others"
Str: 2+1d4 (4), Dex: 4+1d4 (6) Con: 1+1d4 (3), Wis: 1+1d4 (3), Int: 1+1d4 (3), Chr: 1+1d4 (3)

Race: Human; Southling
"The noble darkskinned men of the south"
Str: 2+1d4 (4), Dex: 2+1d4 (4) Con: 2+1d4 (4), Wis: 1+1d6 (4), Int: 1+1d6 (4), Chr: 2+1d4 (4)

Race: Moleman
"Some dig gold, and molemen love their jewels"
Str: 1d4 (2), Dex: 4+1d4 (6) Con: 1d4 (2), Wis: 1d6 (3), Int: 1d6 (3), Chr: 2+1d4 (4)

Race: Minotaur
"The true lords of the labyrinth"
Str: 4+2d4 (8), Dex: 1+1d4 (3) Con: 4+1d4 (6), Wis: 1d4 (2), Int: 1d4 (2), Chr: 1d4 (2)

Race: Swordelf
"the noble elven kind devoted to the arts of the sword"
Str: 1+1d4 (3), Dex: 4+1d4 (6) Con: 1+1d4 (3), Wis: 1d6 (3), Int: 3+1d4 (5), Chr: 2+1d4 (4)

Race: Blackling (Black Elf)
"The gothic elven kind devoted to the black arts as they say"
Str: 1+1d4 (3), Dex: 1+1d4 (3) Con: 1+1d4 (3), Wis: 2+1d4 (4), Int: 4+1d4 (6), Chr: 1+1d4 (3)

Race: Dwarf
"These ones do dig gold, and slay orcs"
Str: 3+1d4 (5), Dex: 1d4 (2) Con: 4+1d4 (6), Wis: 2+1d4 (4), Int: 1+1d4 (3), Chr: 1+1d4 (3)

Race: Halfling
"not so tall still"
Str: 1d4 (2), Dex: 4+1d4 (6) Con: 1d4 (2), Wis: 1d6 (3), Int: 1d6 (3), Chr: 1d6 (3)

The Classes of Aenglum

The Swordmage combine both the arts of sword and Sorcery into one.
Str: 1+1d4 (3), Dex: 1+1d4 (3), Con: 1+1d4 (3), Wis: +1d4 (2), Int: 3+1d4 (5), Chr: 1+1d4 (3)

The Fighter is a versatile combatant ready for just about any battle.
Str: 4+1d4 (6), Dex: 1+1d4 (3) Con: 2+1d4 (4), Wis: 1d4 (2), Int: 1d4 (2), Chr: 1d4(2)

An expert with ranged weapons.
Str: 2+1d4 (4), Dex: 3+1d4 (5) Con: 2+1d4 (4), Wis: 1d4 (2), Int: 1d4 (2), Chr: 1d4 (2)

A defender is most comfortable with armor and shield and can withstand more than most.
Str: 2+1d4 (4), Dex: 1d4+1 (3) Con: 4+1d4 (6), Wis: 1d4 (2), Int: 1d4 (2), Chr: 1d4 (2)

The Ranger combines stealth with archery and light weapons. Comfortable in the wilderness.
Str: 1+1d4 (3), Dex: 3+1d4 (4) Con: 1+1d4 (3), Wis: 1+1d4 (3), Int: 1d4 (2), Chr: 2+1d4 (4)

The Dollmasters of Aenglum transfer spirits into dolls.
Str: 1d4 (2), Dex: 1d4 (2) Con: 1d4 (2), Wis: 1d6 (3), Int: 4+1d4 (6), Chr: 1+1d4 (3)

The masters of black forbidden arts. They meddle with dark energies and animates the dead.
Str: 1d4 (2), Dex: 1d4 (2) Con: 1d4 (2), Wis: 1d6 (3), Int: 4+1d4 (6), Chr: 1+1d4 (3)

The mage are the most common magic user, master of all arcane. Their expertise spans many areas of knowledge and have the broadest range of spells.
Str: 1d4 (2), Dex: 1d4 (2) Con: 1d4 (2), Wis: 1d6 (3), Int: 4+1d4 (6), Chr: 1+1d4 (3)

Shadow Walker
The shadow walker is a master of the arcane specializing in stealth and transformation of the flesh.
Str: 1d4 (2), Dex: 2+1d4 (4) Con: 1+1d4 (3), Wis: 1+1d4 (3), Int: 3+1d4 (5), Chr: 1d4 (2)

A bringer of death. The assassin will use any diabolical means neccesary to dispose of his target.
Str: 1d4 (2), Dex: 3+1d4 (5) Con: 1+1d4 (3), Wis: 1+1d4 (3), Int: 1+1d4 (3), Chr: 1+1d4 (3)

A master of stealth, burglary and lockpicking. The thief keep to the shadows.
Str: 1d4 (2), Dex: 4+1d4 (6) Con: 1+1d4 (3), Wis: 1d4+1 (3), Int: 1d4 (2), Chr: 1d4+1 (3)

While the thief hide in shadows, a jester is most comfortable in the open. Master of pranks and guile
Str: 1d4 (2), Dex: 3+1d4 (5) Con: 1d4 (2), Wis: 1+1d4 (3), Int: 1d4 (2), Chr: 3+1d4 (5)

A man devoted to the gods of a temple of Aenglum. The cleric will do his temples bidding wherever it may lead.
Str: 1d4 (2), Dex: 1d4 (2) Con: 2+1d4 (4) , Wis: 3+1d4 (5), Int: 1d4 (2), Chr: 2+1d4 (4)

The healers are good hearted individuals that have put the needs of others before their own.
Str: 1d4 (2), Dex: 1+1d4 (3) Con: 1+1d4 (3), Wis: 3+1d4 (5), Int: 1d4 (2), Chr: 2+1d4 (4)

The witch has sold his/her soul to the old black forces in exchange for great power.

Str: 1d4 (2), Dex: 1+1d4 (3) Con: 1+1d4 (3), Wis: 2+1d4 (4), Int: 1d4 (2), Chr: 2+1d4 (4)  

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