söndag 3 augusti 2014

D is for more dogs

The last part of the dogs chart was dogs of war. But what other kinds of dogs are there? I was looking through some books and the dogs seem to be missing and getting no love at all. They are mentioned in a couple of places and there seem to be some reference to them but when looking for rules they are all but abscent.

When shopping for dogs, the war dog is the most effective dog for combat and dungeons, but shouldn't be the only choice for players I think.

Speciality Dogs

Step 1 - Make a note of the basic values for a dog

Basic values, the untrained puppy stats
MD (Morale dice (Aenglum)/ Hit dice (other systems)): 1 (1d6)
Life: 4
DV (Defense value (Aenglum)/Armor class): 10
Attack: #1, +0, bite 1t4
Movement: 6 sq (other systems: 12 )
Personality: None
Abilities: Good senses (+2 on smell/listen rolls, harder to surprise)
Order Difficulty: 14 (The difficulty to make a dog do what you want it to do. A roll made with your charisma modifier. The difficulty can be modified depending on some factors.)
Price: 10 Aengels

1. Sled dog
Ability: Can pull sleds, usually in a group of 4-8 dogs.
Order diffculty +4 when ordered to do something it isn't trained to do.
Price: +0 (10Aengels)

2. Untrained pet
Order diifculty: +4
Ability: Lick balls
The untrained pet like to do just about anything that is useless and do not often do what it is told.
Price: -7 (3 Aengels.)

3. Trackers
A dog trained to track scents, but not to attack or fight.
Ability: tracking
Order diffculty +4 when ordered to do something it isn't trained to do.
Price: +3 (13 Aengels)

4. Guard dog
A dog trained in keeping guard but otherwise not to attack or fight.
Ability: Guard
Order diffculty +4 when ordered to do something it isn't trained to do.
Price: +5 (15 Aengels)

5. War dogs
Go to war dogs, in the previous blog article.

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