fredag 16 augusti 2013

Dagens Fordon: Grodiardens Svävarcykel

En Grodiard gillar att ta sig fram snabbt och det gör den sannerligen på sin svävarcykel.

Grodiard GATHOR

"Grodiard All Terrain Hover Obstruction Raider"

Max Förflyttning: x10
Passagerare: 1
Räckvidd: 100 mil på en laddning.
Packning: 10
Vapen: inga

De fungerar allra bäst på slätter och öken och då spelar det ingen roll om det är stening eller tuff terräng. Det är inne i städer eller i skog som den kan bli lite svårmanövrerad. Den har ett starkt elektroniskt sprakande ljud för sig och när en stam Grodianer kommer på sina svävarcyklar så kan det låta som en enorm svärm med bin som kommer flygande.

S.K.O.T.E.S: 1t12 planets

twelve randomly chosen systems in the galaxy

1TripitaH0209Tripita is a well guarded and forbidden sector containing "the Source" of the Galactic energy. Not many habitable planets and yet more strange phenomena is well known. 
2CaitikaH1110Even though Caitika-2 is the most populated planet and most hospitable it is the monks on the asteroid temple that is more known. In this temple on the asteroid orbiting Caitika-1 you will find the oracle of Orbus.

3SolarO0311The solar system is the birthplace for the human race. It was here the children of the 12 colonies have their origin. Earth is now dirty and in ruins after centuries of missuse and war. The best place to live is on the moon or on mars.
Here you will also find the great science space station HOPE which are working closely with the Space Knight Academy.
4LarooN0410Here you will find Hydron - the water planet of the 4th colony. The Hydron people have over the years adapted to their watery enviroment.
5MartinesI0708On the edge of well travel space you will find the Martines system. A backwater mining colony consisting of a hardened prisoner work force supervised by a skeleton crew of soldiers and a lot of robots and security. 

E1002The black planet of Hell is supposed to be found in the oblivion system on the far edge of known space. A place where noone want to go.
7DargomM0711Here is Dargom-6. The sandy planet of the 7th colony. 
8NitrixusA0807This system is said to be the not so secret anymore base of the Kingian army. These insectoid hotheads that are determined to rule the galxy.

L0805This is the home of 3rd colony. from the planet of Omnes-1 the republic of Omnescia rule a big part of the sector with an iron hand.
10TycoscaL0302The Tycoscan army is in a bitter war with the Omnescian forces. They both have dug in and the war seem to be a long and costly one.
11HawantaH0606Here you will find the swamp planet of Hawanta-3. Rumored to be guarded by huge swamp monsters ruled by an intelligent fich monster
12PolgrirC0809Once part of a human settlement. The signal is lost to this once striving mining colony.

torsdag 15 augusti 2013

Space Knights of the Eastern Stars

"The Galaxy is in turmoil! Only the chosen few can save the many! You are chosen to be of the few! A Space Knight of the Eastern Stars; a cyborg supersoldier of unimaginable power!"

Nej, men seriöst så måste ju det skrivas ett litet rollspel löst baserat på Starzinger och "Färden till västern" - det kommer väl att inspireras av ytterligare rymddrama och fantastiska gamla filmer och spel.

  • Fantastiska rymdskepp som trotsar logiken
  • Överdådiga vapen som trotsar fysiken
  • Rymdriddare som är cyborger med enorma krafter

Ja, vad skall man hitta på? Har ni några extra ideér?

Dagens Monster: Broderna

Starzinger är fortfarande ett starkt tema. Galaxenergin är fortfarande låg och monster springer löst. Idag tar vi en titt på en snarlik typ som den vi såg på igår - Brodern.


Broderna är humanoida grodliknande varelser. De har en tendens att klä sig likadant och endast ett band över bröstet kan avslöja vilken klan de är ifrån. De befinner sig i utvecklingen på 17-18 hundratalet. De har kanoner och krut men föredrar svärdet i första hand.

Antal: 3T6
Åskådning: Balans
Förflyttning: × 1
Försvar: 12
Stridstärningar: 1
Attacker: Svärd, musköt
Skada: 1t6, 1t8
Specialförmågor: inga
Moral: 7
Skatt: -
Broderna var en gång ett enat folk men deras rike delades i flera bitar av en naturkatastrof. Sedan dess har Broderna slagits i ett långt och blodigt inbördeskrig och man ser inget slut på det. Sanningen är att en mörk kraft som ännu ej tillkännagett sig är den som orkestrerar desbyter emellan klanerna. Kanske finns det ingen återvändo på kriget efter att så mycket blod blivit spillt?

onsdag 14 augusti 2013

SoS; Dagens monster: Grodiard

Efter att Starsinger gått på heltid här hemma så kommer här en Grodiard till svärd och svartkonst.


En Grodiard har en kropp som är humanoid men har en naturlig pansar och är grön. Deras huvuden är ovala till formen med två stora röda ögon. De har ingen näsa och ingen kroppsbehåring. Deras röster är rätt så pipiga och ynkliga.

Antal: 3T6
Åskådning: Kaos
Förflyttning: × 1
Försvar: 13
Stridstärningar: 2
Attacker: Strålpistoler (eller närstrid om det behövs)
Skada: 1t8
Specialförmågor: inga
Moral: 7
Skatt: -

En Grodiard är en rymdpirat i grunden. De gillar att svärma omkring i ett stort antal i små enmans rymdskepp. På planeter så bygger de enorma högkvarter från vilka de anfaller just precis vilka som helst i jakt på rikedomar. Stundtals så brukar galaktiska superskurkar ta kontroll över vissa stammar av Grodiarder då de är perfekta hejdukar som aldrig ifrågasätter någon order. En gång i evolutionen var de ett fredligt grodfolk men en försvagad galaxenergi förvandlade dom till elaka rövare.

"Grodliknande Rymdpirater!"

måndag 12 augusti 2013

Under: Age of dwarfs (the english version)

Inspired by Jack's Dwarven Generator on tales of the grotesque and dungeonesque  I thought I should make a little on the dwarfs of Aenglum. If you mix all tables made by me, jack and all others you could cook up some dwarfish madness.

Bearded are the sons of steel and mead, those born in the mountain forge!

1T8 type of Dwarf
1-2 The ancient dwarfs of Greybeards
3-4 The Ancient dwarfs of Thunderhearts
5-6 The New dwarfs of Goldilocks
7-8 The New dwarfs of shortbeards

Ancient dwarf clan name

First syllable
Second syllable
Third syllable

New Dwarf clan name

First syllable
second syllable
third syllable


The ancient dwarfs of the gray mountains, "the Dhuálar", are called the Greybeards.
These Greybeards are proud of their origin and they get along with the other peoples of Aenglum quiet well. If compared with the Thumlinn the greybeards are considered almost kind and good-humoured.
Appearance:Gray hair from birth, some few have white hair. They keep their beards long and neat. Greybeards  are also often tattooed in ritual patterns
or sacred symbolism to Haergmor and probably Mhoor ; the banned god of blacksmiths.

1t10 Clan Symbol Part 1
  1. hammer over an anvil ("We are the people who build ...")
  2. two crossed hammers over an anvil ("We are the strong ... ")
  3. a crossed hammer and tongs over an anvil (" We are the United ... ")
  4. a crossed hammer and ax (" Enlightened and strong ... ")
  5. two crossed axes (" loyalty above all ... ")
  6. two crossed axes on a shield (" Baptized in war ... ")
  7. a closed fist (" We are resourceful ...
  8. Three hammers ("We are many ...")
  9. a dwarven  helmet ("We are true ...")
  10. two crossed hammers below a dwarven helmet. ("We are enlightened ...")

1t10. clan symbol, part 2
  1. A Dwarven Fortress. ("... In the mountain's depths.")
  2. A moon above the mountain ("... against the darkness.")
  3. A Sun above the Mountain ("... for tomorrow.")
  4. A Throne ("... for our King. ")
  5. In front of a burning flame. ("... For the final battle!")
  6. A moon in between two mountain peaks. ("... Now and forever.")
  7. In front of a sun ("... irrepressible in our faith!")
  8. the Horizon ("... even beyond the limit.")
  9. A burning mountain. (..., In good and bad times! ")
  10. Three mountains. (" ... We stand among brothers. ")

1T6 Hair color
  1. light gray
  2. dark gray
  3. Ash Grey
  4. dirt gray
  5. and white
  6. silver gray

1t10 The Greybears physical peculiarities
  1. religious tattoos on chest and shoulders.
  2. Several rings in their ears.
  3. large rings in his nose
  4. distinctive tattoos on the face
  5. tattooed arms with some of the clan's history
  6. tattooed protective runes throughout the body
  7. Shaved heads
  8. three distinct braids of his beard with decorated metal rings
  9. one long distinctive braid of hair, thinning out on his forehead.
  10. birthmark that is inherited.

t10Social BehaviourExplanation
Strong bealivers
The clan takes their Faith very seriously.
the Babtized
The clan perform a special cermony where they batise their young in the sacred pool. Cleansing them and giving them an ancestral name.
The Clan is known for their superstition.
The clan is known for their great hatred for 1t6; 1-3 The goblinoid races 4. Mankind 5. Elvenkind 6. Dragonkind
The clan see themselves as the chosen protectors of 1t6; 1. The sacred tree 2. The ancestral tomb 3. the sacred fountain 4. The statue 5. The holy relic 6. the lost relic.
The clan is very ceremonial and must perform certain duties. 1t6; 1. Must eat at set times 2-3. must pray at certain hours 4. must bath on the forth day of the week 5. must attend a service at least one time a week 6. all of the above.
the clan are known for their pilgrimage 1-2. they must undertake the journey when they are young as a test to reach manhood 3-4. they must journey as adults 4-5. they must pilgrimage when they are old 6. They must pilgrimage several times during their life.
The Masters
The Clan is not allowed to raise their young but must send them to train with a master.
Third Child
every third child born is to be sent off to live a life in the priesthood.
The Clan is known for not turning down a fight and for their great courage.


The ancient dwarfs from the Thunder Mountains "the Thumálar" is called Thunderhearts.
Thumlinn as they call themselves, is the most isolated of all
of dwarvenkind., they are disciplined and hardened by all the war they are waging against the darkness of the underworld. they live with "the Eternal War."
Appearance:Black Bearded - often braided and neatly. Their skin is ashen.

1t10 clan symbol, part 1
  1. A black heart with a red drop of blood. ("We suffer ...")
  2. A burning black heart ("We are the dedicated, ...")
  3. A burning black heart with a lightning bolt. ("We turn us never ...")
  4. three black hearts ("We are brothers of thunder ...")
  5. An inverted black heart ("They turn their backs on us, ...")
  6. A crossed hammers and lightning ("Our weapons are ready, ...")
  7. A crossed ax and lightning ("Ready for war ...")
  8. two crossed lightning bolts ("We leave never ...")
  9. three crossed lightning bolts ("Our blood we sacrifice ...")
  10. two crossed lightning bolts and an axe (We bathed in the blood of the enemy ... ")

1t10 clan symbol, part 2
  1. black sky (... surrounded by darkness shadow.")
  2. thundercloud above the mountains (of eternal war premier fighters! ")
  3. a black tower in front of red sky (" always stands firm in our faith! ")
  4. red twilight (" devoted to the end! ")
  5. two red towers against a black sky (" brothers in blood ") The
  6. Black Mountains (" watches of the night! ")
  7. black rock on a green background (" Today and Tomorrow ")
  8. A dwarven fortress on black mountain (, fold us never!")
  9. A dwarven fortress on red rock (show no fear! " )
  10. a sea of blood and black sky. (, We shall drown the world in blood of the enemy. ")

1T6 hair
  1. jet black
  2. dark gray
  3. red and black
  4. matte
  5. bluish
  6. black brown

1t10 physical clan peculiarities

Distinctive Feature
Shaven Heads
The clan shave their heads and more then often have a tatoo. 1t6; 1. on the forehead 2. no tatoo 3. on the back of the head, 4. on the side of the head, 5. on the neck, 6. all over the shaven head.
The clan has distictive warpainted faces in any way of magnicisent designs.
The clan has remarkable tatoos on their 1t6; 1-2. faces 3-4 chest 5. arms and shoulders 6. faces and neck
Towering Mohicans
The clan is known for their towering mohicans
Body sacrifise
The members of the clan is known for their body disfuguration 1t4; 1. they chop off their left little finger 2. they cut off a piece of their ear 3. they cut off a nipple 4. they cut off the right little finger
1. The clan only dress in black. 2. They always dress for war. They always carry their weapons and armor. 3. The clan is known for their unique helmets 4. The clan is known for their bare breast, refusing to wear a shirt. 5. The clan is known for their strict dress code. 6. They always dress in red
Under holy and intoxicating rituals the members of the clan get scarified.
Distinctive beards
The clan has a common way they braid their beards. 1t6 1. one massive braid with dark iron rings 2. two braids with silver rings 3. three braids held together by a metal ring 4. two braids held together with a string 5. a massive muschtach 6. one big braid and 6 smaller braids.
the clan is known to have two diffrent colors on their eyes
Deep ones
The clan bear the mark of the ones that lived to deep down. 1t6; 1-2 They have 2 tusks, 3-4 their skin is leathery and dry, 5-6 their skulls are slightly deformed.

1t10 clan social peculiarities

Social Behaviour
The clan is either hostile or very wary around strangers.
Full of Fury
The clan is very passionate and are easy to anger.
The clan have a tendency to use pain and suffering as a tool without remorse.
The clan is known to be strong in their Faith.
The clan is very reserved and never leave the mountain.
The clan is very distrustfull of others, to a degree even among family.
The clan strive toward perfection in all its areas.
The clan keep to themselves and don’t talk to strangers.
The clan is known for its superstition, real or otherwise.
The clan bealives that the thunderhearts are the chosen people and they are only ones with souls.


The Goldilocks considers themself to be the finest of all the dwarves. They followed
the human ships as they arrived in Aénglum and settled in the Crown Mountains in the south.
Appearance:They have their name taken after the golden curls that hang like
a lion garb from their visage. These curls vary from the most golden blonde to whitest white in coloration. Their corkscrew curls hang free and long braided beards often adonrned with precious jeweley. They have most often blue or emerald green eyes.

1t10 clan symbol, part 1
1. A red Heart ("United we stand ...")
2. A scepter ("molded by ancient deeds, ...")
3. A golden apple ("Our blood is strong, ...")
4. A crown ( "Glorious are our history ...")
5. A crown above two crossed axes ("To battle we pulled ...")
6. A golden leaf ('Honour among brothers ... ")
7. A anvil ("We create with our hands ...")
8. A Hammer ("Our faith is strong, ...")
9. two crossed hammers ("honor and loyalty ...")
10. three golden leaf ("Three people to lead, ...")

1t10 clan symbol, part 2
first Golden mountain ("... we are the sons of the mountain.")
second half sun on the horizon ("... we fight for the kingdom ")
3. A shining sun (" ... Solfaderns prime. ")
4. A golden flame (" ... we are fighting in Aeidmars name.)
5. two mountain tops in white ("... for our ancestors' glory!")
6. A golden field ("... Glorious are our future!")
7. A dvärgafäste ("... Crown Bergen patron!")
8. A golden tower ("... our security in the six!")
9. two golden towers ("... For a good future!")
10. A golden star ("... pursuing our dreams!")

1t10 Physical features of the Goldilocks

t10Distinctive FeatureExplanation
Big Bellies
The clan is known for their great appetites and also as a consecvence their big bellies.
Great Beards
The clan is very competative with keeping their beards the greatest of all beards.
The clan decorate themselves with a lot jewelry to show off how wealthy they are.
The clan is known for their excessive use of parfume. One could smell them, a mile away.
The clan is known to be almost flamboyant in how they dress.
The clan is known for only craving the greatest goods, the most expensive cloth, weapons and armor.
The clan like to dress in everything gold or yellow. Their armor, weapons and clothing all have golden threads, shine or alloy.
The best curls
The clan is not satisfied with their natural curls but also use special made curling iron to get the best curls in the kingdom.
The clan is known for their superbly ornamated armors they take to battle.
Shiny skin
The clan is known for their perfect skin. They have a special made fungus creame they apply several times a day... can get a little oily.

1t10 clan social peculiarities

t10Clan Social BehavourExplanation
1PompousThe clan see themeselves as very important and demand the highest respect and dignity.
2PatronizingThe clan is very condecending and feel superior expecially to other races.
3DandyThe clan is very elegant and really think about how they look and dress.
4VanityThe clan is very proud of their ancestral history and how good and superior they are.
The clan is known for their secrecy.
6RespectableThe clan have played their cards right and have earned the respect of the other clans. They are a worthy lot.
7GrandioseThe clan bealives they are better then the rest and destined for great things to come.
8proofThe clan has proven themselves in many battles and are seen as a great asset. They see themselves with great pride and almost invincible.
9ExpansiveThe clan always work toward growing their possessions and expanding their borders.
10GenerousThe clan is seen as generous and helpfull. The tougher clans probably think they are a bit weak.

The New Dwarfs

civilized dwarfs in a human country. Mocked by the other dwarves as undwarfly.  They have short Beards and have lost much of its underground skills and have got to compensate them with skills for the world above.
Appearance Big noses and lightly brown-haired. Keeps their beards short theiy even shave and is both bald or have mushtach. Brown or Blue eyes are most common.

1t10 clan symbol, part 1
  1. A pitchfork ("We revere our land ...")
  2. A mill ( "We work hard, ...")
  3. a coin. ("Our wealth is great, ...")
  4. Three Coins ("For our prosperity ...")
  5. Two shaking hands ("As brothers above ground ...")
  6. A sun ("In the Sunfathers light , ... ")
  7. A tree (" For Liberty, ... ")
  8. two crossed branches (" When the calling is greater, ... "),
  9. a sheaf of hay (" In the new age, ... ")
  10. A hawk ( We take new heights ... ")

1t10 clan symbol, part 2

  1. A  golden field (..., for a golden future!").
  2. A  prosperous field (for times of growth! ")
  3. a town (" in the community of brothers well! "),
  4. a creditor (" together we are strong! ")
  5. a blue sky (" the six ")
  6. mountain in the horizon (" we have not forgotten our history! ")
  7. mountain in a forest (" FMake each coin has two sides! ")
  8. forest (in the goddess's mercy!"),
  9. a sea, (, a glorious tomorrow! ")
  10. a throne room. (, our affection abides ..")